Friday, February 20, 2015

I Am The Captain Of My Soul

The conscious mind is like a navigator or captain who stood on the bridge of the ship. He steered the ship and gave orders through gesture to the people in the engine room, which in turn regulate all boiler, equipment and machinery. People in the engine room does not know where they go, they follow orders. They will hit rocks when captain on the bridge conveying instruction erroneous or incomplete on the basis of what he knows of the compass, sextant or other instrument.

People in the engine room obedient to him because he is in charge and issue commands that automatically obeyed. Members of the crew did not say anything to the captain, they run a single command, the captain is the leader of the ship and all orders executed. Likewise, the conscious mind is the captain of our ship and the leader of our bodies, our environment and all our affairs. The subconscious mind accepts commands that we remove him on the basis of what is believed and considered correct by our conscious mind.

If you repeatedly said, "I can not afford to buy a car, I could not afford a holiday abroad, I do not have the money to buy a house or other goods," you can make sure that your subconscious mind to follow your orders and you will live the rest of your life by experiencing the absence of these items.

Here's a simple example: if you say "I do not like cheese." And then you eat the dish is cheese in sauce or cake, you will experience indigestion because your subconscious mind says "'boss (meaning your conscious mind) do not like cheese! ". This is an interesting example of the difference and how the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind to work twenty-four hours a day and make preparations for the sake of you to surrender the fruits of your fixed ideas. Your subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can recover it. Get into natural sleep every night with the idea of a full health and your subconscious mind which is your loyal subordinates will obey you.

The law of life is the law of belief. Trust is the brainchild in your mind. Do not believe the things that hurt or injure you. Believe in the power of your subconscious mind to heal, give the spirit of life, strengthen and improve the life of your. In accordance trust you all happen to you.

Each piece of mind is a cause and every situation is a result. Change your thoughts and you will change your fate.
As written in the poem "Invictus" by English poet William Ernest Henley which was written in 1875 and first published in 1888.

"It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul."

Nelson Mandela also cites this poem written on a piece of paper in a prison cell while he was imprisoned in exile.

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